
5G trials kick off in Barcelona and Bristol

The importance of digital media in modern societies is undeniable, especially since we use them in almost every aspect of our lives. Our work, information, social and entertainment needs are all met through digital media. But new multimedia applications and our increasing use of on-demand online services are stretching current systems beyond their limits. With […]

MOG announces full support for 8K and Social Media

MOG Technologies, the worldwide provider of end-to-end solutions for professional media, today announced the release of new versions for both mxfSPEEDRAIL and SKYWATCH platforms. The new versions include the support for innovative formats, codecs and protocols, ensuring high interoperability with social networks. The need to reach a multitude of platforms and devices has been a challenge for media professionals […]

Telefónica Boosts 4G Across 1,000 New UK sites

Telefónica today announced the deployment of 4G across 1,000 new UK sites, making immediate moves to expand capacity following its successful acquisition of more 4G spectrum in Ofcom’s recent auction. The decision followed successful Q1 results, in the UK alone, which saw net income increase by 7.4 percent year-on-year globally; total revenue increase by 2.9 percent […]

U.K. is becoming a global hotbed for VR and AR

(article by Amir Bozorgzadeh @virtuleap)  Last month I addressed Europe’s startup brain drain to the U.S. and then followed up by profiling the U.K. as an exception to the rule, thanks in no small measure to the rapid ascendancy of London’s thriving venture landscape. I want to continue the series by now offering a close-up on the state […]

From service design to network slices: Software Development Kits for 5G Cities

Telecommunication networks have become a critical infrastructure for any society, enabling economic growth and social prosperity. Services continue to evolve, generating ever increasing workloads and network traffic with a wide diversity of patterns. This evolution is forcing the underlying network technologies to change, increasing the level of programmability, control and flexibility of configuration, while reducing […]

Italy ready to act on 5G

Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) has announced the launch of a public consultation into the liberation of spectrum in the 700MHz band. The aim is to come up with a roadmap to ensure the effective release of frequencies by all network operators as well as multiplex restructuring ahead of the EU’s 30 June 2020 deadline for freeing up […]

4G/5G spectrum auction raised £1.36bn

Ofcom has announced the results of the principal bidding stage for its 4G/5G spectrum auction. The airwaves sale is available in two frequency bands, 2.3GHz, and 3.4GHz. 2.3GHz is usable by current mobile phones and will help improve 4G capacity for today’s mobile users, while 3.4GHz is one of the spectrum bands earmarked for 5G, […]

ZTE announces success in making 1st 5G phone call

Chinese telecom equipment company ZTE Group has announced its success in making the first phone call enabled by 5G technologies as smartphone makers scramble to work on 5G in hopes of applying this next-generation mobile communication technology to their products as soon as possible, Tuesday’s China Daily reported. “The success moves China a step forward […]