1st 5GCity Hackathon in Bristol Hack the 5G City: new smart apps in 5GCity slices
July 11 – July 12, 2019 – Bristol
The 5GCity Consortium has organized in Bristol at the suggestive location of M-Shed, the 1st 5GCity Hackathon. The 5GCity project, in its last year of execution, focuses on live demonstration of 5G services in three cities already going through digital transformation: Bristol, Barcelona, Lucca. 5GCity consortium will be involved in the organization and implementation of the 5GCity Hackathon.
Through the 5G management and orchestration platform and a powerful Service Development Kit (SDK) the consortium offered access to a rich set of primitive functions for network and vertical application services which can be used to programme connectivity with QoS, media acquisition and transcoding, traffic monitoring in the new NFV infrastructures for 5G.
Source: 5GCity partner
Source: 5GCity partner
A creative and courageous international group of millennials joined 5GCity technical team, during a unique two days hackathon event in Bristol, to attempt to design and deploy new smart applications for cities in the 5GCity infrastructure available in Bristol.
What are the 5GCity Hackathon is looking for Innovative practical solutions that reflect the team’s abilities in defining a Concept, doing Implementation, Presentation to generate Business impact!
Source: 5GCity partner
The Challenges to Hack the City!
- Design services in 5GCity SDK to implement new Digital Tourism apps.
- Design services in 5GCity SDK to implement new Participatory and Collaborative Media Journalism.
- Design services in 5GCity SDK to implement new Health Applications on the 5GCity.
- Test your vertical applications in the domains of Health, City Services, Public Safety with our SDK and Orchestration platform.
Three great 5GCity Tutors lead the member of the three groups formed:
- Teodora Sechkova,
Software Engineer Virtual Open Systems
- Michele Paolino,
Innovation Manager at Virtual Open Systems
- Apostolos Papageorgiou,
Senior Researcher i2CAT Foundation
The three great groups of millennials from different background start working on new ideas to design and deploy smart applications for cities using the 5GCity infrastructure.
Source: 5GCity partner
- Dāvis Kūma (daviskuma1)
- Douglas Harewood-Gill (dh14491)
- Maria Ivanova (menchi87)
5GCity Tutor: Apostolos Papageorgiou
- Brendon Warwick (bluey31)
- Hilary Frank (hilaryfrank)
- KA H CHIU (willian-air)
- Lewis Bell (Lewiky)
5GCity Tutor: Teodora Sechkova
- Jack Zhao (fz17963)
- Kar Hor Yap (khyap17274)
- Kévin Jolly (kevjolly78)
- Vijay Kumar (vk12122)
- Ozan Vanlioglu (vanliogluozan)
e-HEALTH Team with their Air Quality service
Congrats Brendon, Lewis, Hilary, Ka Hu!
Source: Smart Internet Lab
A feedback note from winners member: “Thank you very kindly, indeed it was a huge honour for me, and I think for my colleagues also, to have registered, participated and declared members of the winning team. I thank 5GCity, Gino and everyone around 5GCity for the great work you all are doing. I hope my research work and other activities would one day cross our paths again. Meanwhile, I look forward to utilizing every privilege that has come with this participation, by doing everything possible to attend the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona 2020. Thank you once again and kind regards, Hilary.”
Source: Smart Internet Lab
It was indeed a Great Experience! Thank you, guys, to have been part of this exciting and interesting 1st 5GCity Hackathon; for your effort, creativity, knowledge and willingness to Hack the City!
To thank participants for the time and effort during Hackathon, a Certificate of participation, a Presentation Letter for Internships, and 5GCity gadgets were offered to all group members.
A particular thanks to Ildiko Fogel – Smart Internet Lab Project Coordinator University of Bristol, Smart Internet Lab for photo coverage. More pictures on: www.5gcity.eu
A full coverage especially on Twitter and LinkedIn of 5GCity Hackathon Bristol was done by partners involved.
Big Thanks to All partners to be part of this exciting experience!
Source: Smart Internet Lab
5GCity Hackathon Bristol and Lucca are empowered by DEVPOST
More info:
www.5gcity.eu @5gcity info@5gcity.com
Shuaib Siddiqui
+34 638 687 554
Gino Carrozzo
Carla Bressan
+34 606 516 106