5GCITY #5 Newsletter
The 5GCITY newsletter #5 is published, with the latest news on the project funded by the European Commission in the framework of Horizon 2020.
In the new issue: the Unveiling of 5G Ready Smart Urban Furniture and Deployment of a Media Use Case, best practices and rationalisation in the 5G mobile networks deployment, the 5GCity Neutral Host Model, secure location aware VM deployment on the edge through OpenStack and ARM TrustZone, network Slicing-aware NFV Orchestration for 5G Service Platforms. Past events: Hackathon and F2F Meeting in Bristol, EuCnC 2019 in Valencia and FED 2019 in Lucca.
Upcoming events will be in Lucca – 6th OSM Hackfest, Lucca – Lucca Comics and Games