EC launches 5G PPP Phase 3 with three new projects
EC launches 5G PPP Phase 3 with three new projects
EuCNC Ljubljana, 20 June, 2018 – Yesterday the 5G PPP Initiative launched Phase 3 at the EuCNC conference, announcing three new projects that will come on stream from 1 July, 2018. The projects represent an investment by the European Commission of more than 50 million Euros plus a commitment by the ICT industry of several times that amount.
The 5G PPP is a major European research programme to create leadership in 5G technology. As part of Horizon 2020, this public-private-partnership is investing more than 4.2 billion Euro, including up to 700 million Euro public investment and at least 3.5 billion Euro private funding, into three phases of collaborative research. Phase 1 performed fundamental research for the fifth generation of network communications, while Phase 2 used those technologies for the digitisation and integration of vertical industries in Europe. Phase 3, which is just starting now, will address the development and rollout of a 5G platform across Europe. The 5G PPP is a good example of Europe’s commitment to invest in ICT research at the right time to lead the world in capturing the benefits of 5G for both European industry and society.
The three new 5G PPP projects were introduced today in an EuCNC Special Session chaired by David Kennedy, the To-Euro-5G project coordinator, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The projects starting on 1 July 2018 – 5G EVE, 5G-VINNI and 5GENESIS – will address the challenge of H2020 EC 5G PPP ICT-17-2018: 5G End to End Facility. These three projects were selected on merit from 16 proposals received and will run for 3 years.
Bernard Barani, from DG CONNECT in the European Commission says: “The first phase 3 of 5G PPP call has been very successful. It will allow the PPP to put in place three large-scale structuring projects that will make available a pan-European large-scale 5G test platform for a multiplicity of vertical use cases, in support of the EU 5G vision and of the deployment objectives outlined in the 5G Action Plan. It is remarkable to have a large majority of the key European 5G actors participating in the setting up of such a platform.”
Barani continued to explain: “We expect this platform to be largely used to build the 5G case with vertical industries, and we very much encourage a multiplicity of industrial sectors to use it for validating 5G technology in the context of their specific use case and business model. This will pave the way towards the more extensive 5G deployment actions that the Commission intends to support under the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), and notably through the second Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2) and Digital Europe Programme (DEP) which have been proposed by the Commission to catalyse take up of advanced digital technologies in multiple industrial sectors.”
Dr. Colin Willcock, Chairman of the Board of the 5G Infrastructure Association, congratulated the successful ICT-17 projects and, looking forward to the ICT-19 projects on 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries, said 5G will only be a success if we get the vertical industry on board.
Press Contact:
Alessandro Bedeschi
Mail to: alessandro.bedeschi@5g-ppp.eu Twitter: @5GPPP
About the 5G PPP projects kicking off on 1 July are:
5G EVE: the aspiration of 5G-EVE is to create the foundations for a pervasive roll-out of end-to-end 5G networks in Europe. 5G-EVE supports this fundamental transition by offering to vertical industries and to all 5G PPP Phase 3 projects facilities to validate their network KPIs and their services. https://5G PPP.eu/5g- eve/
5G-VINNI: 5G-VINNI will accelerate the uptake of 5G in Europe by providing an end-to- end (E2E) facility that validates the performance of new 5G technologies by operating trials of advanced vertical sector services. https://5G PPP.eu/5g- vinni/
5GENESIS: The “Genesis of 5G” has entered the crucial phase of experimentation, working to validate the 5G network KPIs and verify the 5G technologies with an end-to-end approach. Towards this objective, a key challenge is to integrate all the highly diverse results and technologies from EU, global as well as internal (corporate) R&D projects, to “glue together” the 5G picture and unveil the potential of a truly full-stack, end-to-end 5G platform. https://5G PPP.eu/5genesis/
About 5G-PPP Open Calls
For ICT-18-2018 5G for cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM), six project proposals were received the EC 5G PPP ICT-18 call. These retained proposals will be announced within August 2018.
There is also an open 5G-PPP call for ICT-19-2019: Advanced 5G validation trials across multiple vertical industries with a deadline of 14 November 2018. There will be an info day about ICT-19 on 14 September in Brussels. Further details will be published soon on https://5g-ppp.eu/
About the 5G Public-Private Partnership
The 5G Public Private Partnership (5G PPP) is the 5G collaborative research program that is organized as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program – The European Union Program for Research and Innovation. It is aimed at fostering industry- driven research, monitored by business-related, technological performance and societal KPIs. The 5G PPP will deliver solutions, architectures, technologies and standards for ubiquitous next-generation communication infrastructure over the coming decade. www.5g-ppp.eu
For more information about the 5G PPP initiative achievements, projects and forward- looking plans, download The European 5G Annual Journal, 2018: www.5g- ppp.eu/annual-journal/
About the 5G Infrastructure Association
In the 5G PPP, the 5G Infrastructure Association (5G IA) represents the private side and the European Commission the public side. The 5G IA is committed to the advancement of 5G in Europe and to building global consensus on 5G. To this aim, the Association brings together a global industry community of telecoms & digital actors, such as operators, manufacturers, research institutes, universities, verticals and SMEs. The 5G IA carries out a wide range of activities in strategic areas including standardization, frequency spectrum, R&D projects, technology skills, collaboration with key vertical industry sectors, notably for the development of trials, and international cooperation.
About To-Euro-5G
The To-Euro-5G is a support action project under the Horizon 2020 Research Programme of the European Union. The primary objective is to facilitate effective and efficient co-operation and integration between all projects of the 5G PPP, the European Commission, the 5G-Infrastructure Association, Networld2020 ETP, and related national initiatives to maximize the European momentum towards, and benefits from, the future 5G integrated, ubiquitous and ultra-high capacity networks. The To-Euro-5G project also has the underlying ambition to ensure that European society, via the Vertical sectors, can enjoy the economic and societal benefits these future 5G networks can provide. www.5g-ppp.eu/to-euro-5g/